
Featured Posts

  • The Mindset Needed to Dream Big at Every Age

    As kids, we were unafraid to dream big. Minus the social awkwardness of the teenage years, we generally weren’t swayed by other people’s expectations of us or their perceptions of our dreams. For some odd reason, the older we get, the more susceptible we are to being influenced by society’s expectations of us. Somewhere along the way, we seem to subdue our dreams, become more reserved in our ambition, and guarded against judgment from others.

  • Failure is the price of entry for achieving something great

    Failures can knock us down, make us lose confidence in ourselves and can threaten to prevent us from trying again. When I was in pilot training, I failed one of my earliest checkrides (an important “flying test”). I encountered a plethora of maintenance problems when I went to start the jet, which was frustrating. But, once in the air, I flew pretty darn well. However, once on the ground, the instructor informed me I had failed the checkride.

Most Recent Posts

  • Professionalism and Fear

    Professionalism and Fear

    Professionalism is a mindset that involves living up to set standards and expectations. This mentality allows you to manage your decisions, choices, and actions so your coworkers and colleagues know...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Lyme Disease and People of Color

    Lyme Disease and People of Color

    In places where tickborne diseases are common, people with classic symptoms often receive prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Unfortunately, symptoms can be missed for a variety of reasons. If under-treated...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Motivation: Your Catalyst to Success

    Motivation: Your Catalyst to Success

      The process of combustion within an engine converts an ignitable substance into work, a release of energy causing motion. Motivation is like that. It is your catalyst to success,...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Risk Management: A Necessary Life Skill

    Risk Management: A Necessary Life Skill

    Risk is defined as an uncertain situation, event, or condition that involves exposure to danger,harm, or loss. It is a part of every aspect of life. Taking a chance on...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • The Value of Followership

    The Value of Followership

    While many people have waxed philosophically about leadership, fewer have highlighted the value of followership. There can sometimes be a negative connotation, a “lesser than”, even a stigma attached to...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Are Leaders Born or Made?

    Are Leaders Born or Made?

    Are Leaders Born or Made? What Is a Leader? The first question to ask is “What is a leader?” A leader is a person who acts as an advisor and...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • The Distinct Importance of Accountability

    The Distinct Importance of Accountability

    Accountability is powerful when it comes to relationships, whether personal or professional. It is an acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions and implies a willingness to be transparent in terms...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Harness the Power of Your Own Resilience

    Harness the Power of Your Own Resilience

    Harness the Power of Your Own Resilience  Resilience is a person’s capacity to respond to pressure and the demands of daily life. It is the ability to deal with problems...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Building Relationships to Bolster Teams

    Building Relationships to Bolster Teams

    In England, during the Elizabethan Age, young women were bound by strict social conventions, including traditional norms based on gender. These social expectations are reflected in the literature of the...

    Nicole Malachowski |

  • Humility in Leadership

    Humility in Leadership

    Taking on a leadership role is exciting. The greatest honor of my career was serving as the commander of the 333rd Fighter Squadron at Seymour Johnson AFB, NC. In that...

    Nicole Malachowski |

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